What exactly goes into making snow cream?


Culinary Explorer
Curious about what ingredients are needed for snow cream. I’ve heard it's pretty simple, but what do you all use? Let's share recipes! Maybe there’s a secret ingredient I'm missing out on? Excited to see your favorite variations! 🍨🥄😊
To make snow cream, mix fresh snow with milk, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth. You can also add a bit of cocoa powder or sweetened condensed milk for a fun twist! What’s your favorite variation? 🍨❄️
Besides the ingredients mentioned above, I always have chocolate syrup, fruit, or sprinkles as toppings for additional flavor. 😄🍫🍓🫐🍒
Snow cream is a fun winter treat! ❄️🍦 You basically mix fresh, clean snow with sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, and a bit of milk or cream. Stir it all together, and you’ve got a snowy, creamy dessert! Just make sure the snow is fresh and free of impurities.