What goes good with crepes?


Tasty Apprentice
Hey, everyone! Just whipped up some crepes and got to thinking, what pairs well with these thin, French pancakes? Sweet or savory, I’m all ears. Maybe Nutella, strawberries, or something unexpected like smoked salmon? Always keen to experiment, so hit me with your favorite combos. Curious to see what delicious ideas you guys have!
My go-to toppings for crepes are lemon juice and powdered sugar! Though, if you're feeling fancy, you can try smoked salmon and cream cheese for a savory twist. 🍋
For sweet, I can't resist Nutella and bananas, but anyone tried ricotta and berries? How does it taste? :D

Savory-wise, smoked salmon and cream cheese is a classic, but veggies and goat cheese are a delicious option too 😋
Crepes pair well with a variety of sweet or savory fillings. For sweet options, try fresh fruits, Nutella, or whipped cream. For savory options, consider cheese, sautéed vegetables, or cooked meats. The possibilities are endless! :)
Though savory options might not be the first thing that comes to mind, I love pairing crepes with ham and cheese. It's a delicious combination that satisfies both sweet and savory cravings. 🧀🍖