What goes into making a scallion pancake?


Novice Foodie
What goes into making a scallion pancake? Curious about what everyone uses for their scallion pancakes. I'm planning to make some and would love to know your favorite ingredients! 🥞🌿
Scallion pancakes are one of my favorites to make. I usually use flour, hot water, salt, and lots of chopped scallions. Sometimes I add a little sesame oil for extra flavor🤩
Scallion pancakes are one of my favorites to make. I usually use flour, hot water, salt, and lots of chopped scallions. Sometimes I add a little sesame oil for extra flavor🤩
Adding sesame oil is a great idea! I always do that, and it makes the pancakes so much more flavorful. You should also try sprinkling some sesame seeds on top... Adds a nice crunch!
To make scallion pancakes, you need flour, water, salt, and chopped scallions, which are rolled out thinly, brushed with oil, folded, rolled again, and pan-fried until crispy and golden brown.
To make scallion pancakes, you typically need flour, water, salt, and finely chopped scallions. The dough is kneaded, rolled out thinly, brushed with oil, sprinkled with scallions, rolled up, coiled into a spiral, flattened, and then fried until crispy and golden brown on both sides 🥞🌿.