What goes into making Thai basil chicken?


Culinary Explorer
I'm excited to try my hand at cooking Thai basil chicken, but I'm not sure what ingredients I should use. Does anyone have a reliable recipe they could share with me? Looking to create something delicious and authentic! 😊🌿
Thai basil chicken is a fantastic dish. To get that authentic flavor, you'll need chicken thighs, fresh basil, garlic, shallots chili peppers, fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and lime juice. There are many variations of Thai basil chicken, so feel free to experiment with different ingredients and spice levels. 😉👍✨🥰
For a delicious Thai basil chicken, you'll need chicken breasts, rice, basil leaves, chili peppers, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and fish sauce. There are tons of great recipes online, so feel free to explore and find one that suits your taste. Happy cooking! 🧑‍🍳🌿