What is similar to sushi rice?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone, wondering what grains are similar to sushi rice in texture or flavor? I've heard Arborio rice, used in risotto, comes close because of its stickiness. Then there's sticky rice from Southeast Asia, though it's a bit different. Keen to hear if you've experimented with alternatives in sushi-making or similar dishes!
Hey everyone, wondering what grains are similar to sushi rice in texture or flavor? I've heard Arborio rice, used in risotto, comes close because of its stickiness. Then there's sticky rice from Southeast Asia, though it's a bit different. Keen to hear if you've experimented with alternatives in sushi-making or similar dishes!
Hey! 🍣 If you're looking for something similar to sushi rice, try short-grain rice like arborio or jasmine rice. They have a similar stickiness and texture that works great for sushi rolls or bowls. Experiment with different varieties to find your perfect match! 🍚🥢
Yeah, Arborio rice is a decent substitute if you can't get your hands on sushi rice. It's got that creamy texture that works well in sushi rolls. Sticky rice is another option, but like you said, it's a bit different. I've also heard of people using short-grain brown rice or even quinoa for a healthier twist.
Hey everyone, wondering what grains are similar to sushi rice in texture or flavor? I've heard Arborio rice, used in risotto, comes close because of its stickiness. Then there's sticky rice from Southeast Asia, though it's a bit different. Keen to hear if you've experimented with alternatives in sushi-making or similar dishes!
Short-grain or medium-grain rice, such Arborio or Calrose rice, is a tasty substitute for sushi rice. These types work well for sushi rolls or bowls since they cook to a similar sticky texture. They might not taste exactly like conventional sushi rice, but they can still be a satisfying and useful alternative.