What is the secret to good gravy?


Novice Foodie
Heyy! I wanted to figure out the secret on making a top-notch gravy. You know, that smooth, savory sauce that ties a meal together? Yeah, that stuff. I've done experimenting, but haven't done it in a correct way. What's your go-to method for making a tasty one? Let's chat about what makes gravy truly great. 🤔
For me, the secret to good gravy is using flavorful drippings from the roast! 🍗 They add depth and richness that you just can't get from anything else.
Heyy! I wanted to figure out the secret on making a top-notch gravy. You know, that smooth, savory sauce that ties a meal together? Yeah, that stuff. I've done experimenting, but haven't done it in a correct way. What's your go-to method for making a tasty one? Let's chat about what makes gravy truly great. 🤔
Starting with a tasty foundation, such as pan drippings or broth, is, in my opinion, the key to making great gravy. To attain the proper consistency, though, don't forget to add a thickening agent like flour or cornflour. 🌾🥄I believe that seasoning is also essential; use enough salt, pepper, and herbs to bring out the flavor. 😂
Starting with a tasty foundation, such as pan drippings or broth, is, in my opinion, the key to making great gravy. To attain the proper consistency, though, don't forget to add a thickening agent like flour or cornflour. 🌾🥄I believe that seasoning is also essential; use enough salt, pepper, and herbs to bring out the flavor. 😂
I couldn't agree more about starting with a flavorful base—it sets the whole dish. And you're right about the importance of getting that perfect consistency with a thickening agent. Seasoning is definitely key too. Happy cooking! 🍽️👩‍🍳
Personally, I think the secret to good gravy is starting with quality drippings from your roast. Though, some swear by using broth instead.🍗