What kind of corn is used in pozole?


Culinary Explorer
Hey team, been pondering over what type of corn pozole relies on 🌽🥣. Turns out, it’s not your typical sweet corn but hominy — corn that's undergone a nixtamalization process. This treatment enhances nutritional value and gives it a unique flavor and texture. Does anyone experiment with different corn types in their recipes? Curious about your kitchen adventures! 👩‍🍳💁‍♀️
You're spot on about the hominy 💯 Pozole wouldn't be the same without that unique texture and flavor ..I've never tried it with regular corn, but maybe someone else has a fun experiment to share? 🤗 Sounds interesting!
You're spot on about the hominy 💯 Pozole wouldn't be the same without that unique texture and flavor ..I've never tried it with regular corn, but maybe someone else has a fun experiment to share? 🤗 Sounds interesting!
Absolutely agree! Hominy adds that special touch to pozole. 😋 I'm curious about experimenting with regular corn too! Hopefully, someone has some creative ideas to share. Thanks for the input!
Hey team, been pondering over what type of corn pozole relies on 🌽🥣. Turns out, it’s not your typical sweet corn but hominy — corn that's undergone a nixtamalization process. This treatment enhances nutritional value and gives it a unique flavor and texture. Does anyone experiment with different corn types in their recipes? Curious about your kitchen adventures! 👩‍🍳💁‍♀️
Pozole typically uses hominy corn, which is a type of dried maize that has been treated with an alkali, like lime, to remove the hulls and germ.
Pozole uses hominy, which is dried corn kernels that have been nixtamalized (soaked and cooked in an alkaline solution). It's what gives pozole its signature hearty and chewy texture!
Definitely hominy! It’s a special type of corn that's been treated to puff up and absorb all those delicious flavors. 🌽👌
Pozole typically uses hominy corn, which is a type of dried maize that has been treated with an alkali, like lime, to remove the hulls and germ.
I agree! Hominy corn is the star of the show in pozole. It's got this special treatment that makes it just perfect for that hearty, comforting bowl of goodness:)