What makes a martini sweet?


Culinary Explorer
Hey there cocktail connoisseurs! 🍸 We all know that a classic martini is the usual and traditional dry type of it. But, I wanna have some twist to it. Sometimes, I wanna achieve sweetness. I wonder what could make a martini sweet? Have you experimented with making sweet martinis before? What ingredients did you use, and how did it turn out? 🤷‍♂️ Let's chat about it!
Hey! Yeah, I've played around with sweet martinis before. One thing I like to do is add a splash of fruit-flavored liqueur like peach or raspberry. It adds a nice sweetness without overpowering the drink. Sometimes I'll also use flavored syrups, like vanilla or caramel, to sweeten it up. Experimenting with different ratios of vermouth to gin helps too.🍸
Hey there cocktail connoisseurs! 🍸 We all know that a classic martini is the usual and traditional dry type of it. But, I wanna have some twist to it. Sometimes, I wanna achieve sweetness. I wonder what could make a martini sweet? Have you experimented with making sweet martinis before? What ingredients did you use, and how did it turn out? 🤷‍♂️ Let's chat about it!
Despite their reputation for being dry, martinis can be made sweeter by adding syrups, fruit juices, or liqueurs like triple sec or liqueurs with fruit flavours. These additives provide a sweeter flavour profile by counterbalancing the gin or vodka's harshness. 🍃
If you prefer a sweeter martini, you can also muddle some fresh fruit like strawberries or raspberries in the bottom of the glass before adding the gin and vermouth! 🍓🍹 It adds a natural sweetness.