What’s a good side to pair with chicken fettuccine alfredo?


Novice Foodie
What would you guys recommend serving with chicken fettuccine alfredo? I’m looking for side dishes that would really complement the creamy pasta. Something light and refreshing maybe? Any favorite pairings would be greatly appreciated! 🥗🍞
For chicken fettuccine Alfredo, I’d recommend a fresh green salad with a light vinaigrette to balance the creamy pasta. 🥗 Garlic bread is also a great choice for some extra crunch and flavor. 🍞 Steamed or roasted vegetables, like broccoli or asparagus, can add a nice, refreshing touch. Enjoy your meal! 😋
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo goes well with lightly sautéed spinach since the latter adds a hint of bitterness and a touch of freshness. ☺️ A slice of crusty Italian bread also complements the meal. 🍞
Chicken fettuccine alfredo pairs perfectly with a fresh side salad or some roasted veggies to balance out the richness. 🥗🌽 Garlic bread is also a classic choice to soak up all that creamy sauce!
A classic side for chicken fettuccine Alfredo is a fresh green salad 🥗 for a light and refreshing contrast! 🌱 Or, if you're craving something warm, garlic bread is always a comforting choice! 🥖