What's the Best Side to Go with Tater Tot Casserole?


Novice Foodie
Hey, forum peeps! 🍲 I was wondering what side dish complements a tater tot casserole like a dream? 🥗🍞 I'm looking for something that'll make the whole meal pop! Whether it's a salad with a zing, some crusty bread, or something totally out of the box, I'm all ears! What do you guys pair it with? 🤔
Hey there! When it comes to tater tot casserole, I'm all about keeping it simple yet delicious. A classic side of green beans or corn always does the trick for me. They add a nice crunch and some color to the plate. Plus, they're easy to whip up alongside the casserole.
For a tater tot casserole, consider pairing it with a crisp green salad dressed with a tangy vinaigrette to contrast the richness of the casserole. Alternatively, serve it with garlic bread or cheesy biscuits for a comforting and satisfying meal. Experiment with different side dishes to find the perfect complement to your casserole! 🥗🍞🧀
A crisp green salad with a tangy vinaigrette or some warm, crusty bread can complement tater tot casserole perfectly.