What's the go-to way to make homemade canned dill pickles?


Culinary Explorer
Hey pickle pros! 🥒💡 Wondering what's the go-to method for whipping up homemade canned dill pickles? 🤔🥒 Heard it's a fun DIY project, but want to make sure I'm doing it right! Share your secrets and tips, please! Can't wait to start pickling! 🤗
Making homemade canned dill pickles is so satisfying! ✨ Start by packing fresh cucumbers into jars with dill, garlic, and mustard seeds. Then, make a brine with vinegar, water, salt, and sugar. Pour it over the cucumbers and seal the jars. Process them in a water bath for a bit, and you’ve got delicious pickles ready to enjoy!
If you’re diving into making homemade canned dill pickles, here’s a simple way to do it. Start with fresh cucumbers, dill, and garlic. Sterilize your jars by boiling them, then make a brine with equal parts vinegar and water, plus salt (about 1 tablespoon per cup of liquid). Add sugar if you like a touch of sweetness. Pack the cucumbers into the jars with dill and garlic, then pour the hot brine over them. Seal the jars and process them in a boiling water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Let them cool and store in a cool, dark place. They’ll be crunchier and more flavorful as they sit. Enjoy your pickling adventure!
My go-to is using a basic brine of vinegar, water, and salt with a touch of sugar. 🌿 I also like to add dill, garlic, and some peppercorns. Though, don’t forget to let them sit for at least a week to develop flavor!