What's Your Go-To Way to Cook Perfect Udon Noodles?


Novice Foodie
Yo noodle lovers! 🍜👋 I'm on a quest for the ultimate udon experience and need your expertise! What's your tried-and-true method for cooking up perfect udon noodles every time? 🤔💬 Whether it's a secret technique or a favorite recipe, I'm all ears! 🤓 Let's share the noodle love! ❤️
When it comes to cooking udon, my go-to method is pretty simple but always delivers. I start by boiling the noodles in a large pot of water, making sure there's plenty of room for them to move around. I usually cook them for about 8-10 minutes until they’re just the right texture—chewy but not too soft. Once they’re done, I quickly rinse them under cold water to stop the cooking process and keep them from getting mushy. 👌✨🤩
My go-to for perfect udon noodles is to boil them according to the package instructions until they're just tender. Then, drain and rinse them under cold water to stop the cooking. Stir-fry or add them to your favorite broth for the best results! 🍜😊