Which flour is best for baguettes?


Culinary Explorer
Hey bakers, in the quest for perfect baguettes, which flour wins? :unsure: Some swear by traditional French type, others prefer high-protein varieties. Texture, crust, flavor all hinge on this choice, right? Keen to learn from your trials. What’s your go-to flour for that ideal baguette and why? 🥖👋🤤
bread flour is the most common choice for making baguettes, some bakers also use a combination of bread flour and a small amount of all-purpose flour or even a specialty French flour such as Type 55 or Type 65 flour, which are commonly used in traditional French baguette recipes. 😉👌👍
For baguettes, go for bread flour! It has higher protein content, giving your baguettes that perfect chewy texture. 🥖 Plus, it helps develop those beautiful air pockets in the bread. Happy baking! 🍞👩‍🍳