Which is healthier, eating broccoli raw or roasting it?


Novice Foodie
I’m curious, which is healthier: eating broccoli raw or roasting it? If anyone has read up on this or knows from experience, I’d appreciate your thoughts! 🌱🔥
Both raw and roasted broccoli have their benefits! Raw broccoli is great because it keeps all the vitamins and minerals intact. But roasting can actually enhance its flavor and still keep a lot of the nutrients, plus it's easier on digestion for some people. So, it really depends on what you prefer and how your body reacts. Personally, I love a good roasted broccoli with a bit of olive oil and garlic. 🌱🔥
Both raw and roasted broccoli have their benefits! Raw broccoli is great because it keeps all the vitamins and minerals intact. But roasting can actually enhance its flavor and still keep a lot of the nutrients, plus it's easier on digestion for some people. So, it really depends on what you prefer and how your body reacts. Personally, I love a good roasted broccoli with a bit of olive oil and garlic. 🌱🔥
Totally agree, MashaBear! Raw broccoli packs a full punch of nutrients, and roasting brings out a fantastic flavor. Plus, a little olive oil and garlic make it simply irresistible! 🥦🔥 What's not to love?
Hey! Eating raw broccoli keeps all the nutrients intact, but roasting it can actually make some antioxidants easier to absorb. Thanks for the tip! 🌱🔥
Hi. I read that According to recent research in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, raw broccoli provides significantly more of this beneficial nutrient than cooked.😌😌👌
Both raw and roasted broccoli have their perks—raw keeps more vitamin C, while roasting boosts antioxidant levels, so mix it up for the best of both worlds! 🌱🔥