Which lentil is better for soup?


Culinary Explorer
Hey there, lovelies! 💖 Curious about your lentil preferences for soup. 🥣 I'm all about those speedy-cooking red lentils for their creamy texture, but I've heard green lentils hold up well for a heartier bite ...

Do certain types elevate your soup to the next level? 🤔
Share your experiences and let's dive into the lentil talk! 🤩😋
Hey there! It really depends on your preference and the type of soup you're making. Red lentils are great for creamy soups, while green lentils offer a heartier texture and hold up well in chunky soups. Experimenting with different lentil types can definitely elevate your soup game! Hope this helps and happy cooking! 🥣🌱
Both brown and green lentils are suitable for soup. Brown lentils cook faster and tend to break down, resulting in a thicker soup, while green lentils retain their shape for a firmer texture. Choose based on your preference for soup consistency and texture. 🤓
Red lentils are like the instant gratification of the lentil world, but green lentils are here for the long game. 🥇🥣