Why are dirty martinis so strong?


Novice Foodie
Hey everyone! 🍸 Ever wondered why dirty martinis were so strong? These seem to hit you like a ton of bricks, but seriously, what's the deal with that? I've sipped on a few of these before. I really wonder what makes them so darn strong? Care to share your thoughts? Let's crack open this boozy mystery together. Cheers! 🥂
Dirty martinis pack a punch because of the olive brine, which adds extra flavor and saltiness. I think that's what makes them hit differently than a classic martini. 🍸
I think the strong flavor comes from the olive juice and the extra kick of alcohol, though! 🍸
Totally agree with you on that. 🍸 The olive juice definitely adds a unique punch to the flavor, and that extra splash of alcohol doesn't hurt either! Cheers to unraveling the secrets of the dirty martini! 🥂