Why are my oatmeal raisin cookies so hard?


Novice Foodie
Hey team, needing some help with my oatmeal raisin cookies here. They're turning out way too hard, not the chewy delight I'm aiming for. Been tweaking baking times and temps, but still no luck. Could it be the flour type, mixing method, or something else? Eager for your tips to get that perfect softness!
Hey there! Sorry to hear about your cookie troubles. One thing you might want to try is adjusting the amount of flour you're using. Too much flour can make cookies dry and hard. Also, make sure you're not overmixing the dough, as that can toughen up the cookies too. And don't forget to check your oven temperature, as baking too hot or too long can also lead to crispy cookies. Hope this helps!
It sounds like you're on a quest for the perfect oatmeal raisin cookies! Achieving that soft, chewy texture can be tricky. It might be worth trying a mix of all-purpose and cake flour or adjusting the ratio of wet to dry ingredients. Also, consider chilling the dough before baking for a bit of extra softness. Keep experimenting, and you'll nail it! 🌟