Why do my crackers turn out soft?


Culinary Explorer
My homemade crackers often come out soft instead of crisp. 😩 What could be causing this? I'd appreciate any advice on how to fix this issue. I want them to have that satisfying crunch we all love. Thanks for your help!
Oh no! 😔 Try baking them a bit longer or at a slightly higher temperature to make sure they’re fully crisped up. Also, letting them cool completely on a rack can help. 🕒🍪 Hope that helps!
When crackers turn stale, they actually become soft. This unusual reaction is due to the salt content of crackers. It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere. So, if salted crackers are left exposed to air, the salt will absorb moisture, causing the crackers to turn soft rather than hard. To prevent this, store your crackers in airtight containers or bags. If you have slightly stale crackers, you can revive them by crisping them in a conventional oven or using short bursts in the microwave to remove excess moisture. 🍪🧂
Crackers turn out soft if the dough is too moist, not rolled thin enough, or if they’re not baked long enough; make sure to roll the dough thinly, use the right amount of flour, and bake until crispy. 🥨🔥
Your crackers turn out soft probably because you baked them at too low a temperature. 🫓🫓 Make sure your oven is preheated to the right temperature. Another possible reason is that you might have added too much oil, butter, or baking soda/powder to the dough. 🥣