Why do my tuna patties never stick together?


Culinary Explorer
I need some help! My tuna patties keep falling apart every time I make them. Does anyone else have this problem? If you've found a way to keep them together, could you share your secrets? 🧐 Thanks so much!
I’ve definitely been there with the crumbling tuna patties—so frustrating! What’s worked for me is adding a little bit of breadcrumbs or panko to the mix; it helps bind everything together. 🤩👌🥰
Hi. It should be a little wet so it holds together, if the mixture's too dry it will taste fine but the patties will fall apart. Mix in whatever spices you want, if it smells good it'll probably taste good. :)(y)(y)
If your tuna patties aren't sticking together, try adding a binding ingredient like an egg or some breadcrumbs to the mix. Make sure to mix everything thoroughly and chill the patties before cooking to help them hold their shape😊