Why do you put cornstarch in shortbread?


Culinary Explorer
Yo, why do people add cornstarch to shortbread? Seriously, stumbled upon recipes and all, but none give me the real tea. Does this powdery stuff work magic or what? Curious 'cause I wanna make mine all soft and crumbly, you know? Anyone got insights? Would super appreciate the lowdown!
Yo, why do people add cornstarch to shortbread? Seriously, stumbled upon recipes and all, but none give me the real tea. Does this powdery stuff work magic or what? Curious 'cause I wanna make mine all soft and crumbly, you know? Anyone got insights? Would super appreciate the lowdown!
adding cornstarch to shortbread helps create a tender texture by inhibiting gluten formation. It also contributes to a softer, crumblier bite! Give it a try, it might just elevate your shortbread game! 🍪✨
Ah, good question! Cornstarch in shortbread might seem a bit unusual, but it actually works wonders for the texture! 😊 Adding cornstarch helps create that melt-in-your-mouth, tender crumb that we all love about shortbread. It helps to make the cookies more delicate and gives them that perfect, sandy texture without being too crumbly. So, it's like a little secret ingredient for achieving shortbread perfection! Plus, it's just one of those kitchen tricks that adds a little magic to your baking game!
adding cornstarch to shortbread helps create a tender texture by inhibiting gluten formation. It also contributes to a softer, crumblier bite! Give it a try, it might just elevate your shortbread game! 🍪✨
Cornstarch is like the secret ingredient that makes shortbread extra special. It gives that melt-in-your-mouth texture we all love. Trust me, once you try it, you won't go back! Happy baking! 🍪😊
Yo, why do people add cornstarch to shortbread? Seriously, stumbled upon recipes and all, but none give me the real tea. Does this powdery stuff work magic or what? Curious 'cause I wanna make mine all soft and crumbly, you know? Anyone got insights? Would super appreciate the lowdown!
Cornstarch is sometimes added to shortbread for a tender and crumbly texture, but it's not a traditional ingredient and can be omitted if desired.