Why does congee taste so bland?


Culinary Explorer
Hi! Congee's mild flavor is due to its simple, unseasoned base, which makes it versatile for adding different toppings or flavors. 🌾🍲 Does the blandness seem like an issue, or do you think it’s perfect for customization? 🤔🧂
Congee’s mildness is its charm! 🌾 It’s like a blank canvas waiting for your favorite toppings—soy sauce, scallions, a dash of sesame oil, or a sprinkle of crispy shallots. You can make it sweet or savory, depending on your mood. Embrace the simplicity and let your creativity shine! 🍲✨
Congee’s all about the toppings and seasoning! 🧂🍲 Add soy sauce, ginger, scallions, or chili oil for a flavor boost. 🌶️👌