Why does my blueberry bread turn out so dense?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! My blueberry bread always comes out super dense. 🍞 Any idea what I might be doing wrong? I’d love some tips to get it light and fluffy. Thanks! 😊
Hey everyone! My blueberry bread always comes out super dense.
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🍞 Any idea what I might be doing wrong? I’d love some tips to get it light and fluffy. Thanks! 😊
Dense blueberry bread got you down? It might be overmixed batter (gently fold those blueberries!), too much flour (measure carefully!), or old leaveners (check expiration dates!). Fix those and your next loaf will be a fluffy, berry-licious dream!
Got a case of dense blueberry bread blues? It could be from overmixing the batter or using too much flour. Try gently folding in your blueberries and double-checking your measurements for a fluffier loaf next time!