Why is my apple crumb pie turning out watery?


Novice Foodie
Help! My apple crumb pie always ends up watery. What am I doing wrong? 😟 I follow the recipe exactly, but the filling doesn't seem to set properly. Any advice would be super appreciated! 😄
Your apple crumb pie might be watery if the apples are too juicy or if there’s not enough thickener like flour or cornstarch. 🍏🥧 Try using firmer apples and adding a bit more thickener to soak up that extra moisture. You’ll get that perfect, non-watery filling!
Watery apple crumble pie is often caused by over-ripe apples or a too-wet filling. Let the apples drain well before adding them to the pie, and use a thickener like cornstarch or tapioca starch to help absorb excess moisture. 🥧🍎
Try adding a bit more flour or cornstarch to the filling to thicken it up. 🍏🥧 Also, make sure to drain any excess liquid from the apples. 😋👌