Why is my red velvet cake crumbly?


Culinary Explorer
Why is my red velvet cake always ending up so crumbly? Seriously, every time I bake one, expecting that soft, velvety texture, what I get instead feels like I’m eating sand. I’ve tried different recipes, watched countless tutorials, and even prayed to the baking gods. Nothing’s working. Help?
Why is my red velvet cake always ending up so crumbly? Seriously, every time I bake one, expecting that soft, velvety texture, what I get instead feels like I’m eating sand. I’ve tried different recipes, watched countless tutorials, and even prayed to the baking gods. Nothing’s working. Help?
Have you tried adding a bit more moisture, like sour cream or buttermilk, to the batter? Sometimes dryness can lead to crumbliness. 🥛💦
Hey there! Red velvet cakes can be tricky. 😅 Though, ensuring your oven's at the right temp and not overbaking might help.
Hey! Crumbly red velvet cake might need a bit more moisture. Try adding extra buttermilk or sour cream to keep it moist and tender. Happy baking! 🍰😊
Agree! adding more buttermilk or sour cream can help your red velvet cake stay moist and tender. It's a simple tweak that can make a big difference in the texture:cool:
If your red velvet cake is crumbly, it might be due to overmixing the batter or not enough moisture. Try adding a bit more liquid or oil to keep it moist and tender.