Why isn't my jalapeno cornbread crunchy?


Novice Foodie
I can't seem to get my jalapeno cornbread to be crunchy. What might I be doing wrong? :( I love that crispy edge but can't seem to achieve it. Any advice for achieving that perfect crispy texture? Maybe it's the baking time or the pan I'm using? 🥴
It might be the pan you're using. A cast iron skillet is your best bet for that crispy edge you want. Also, make sure the pan is hot before you pour in the batter. Baking time matters too—try leaving it in the oven a bit longer to get that crunch. 😊
I can't seem to get my jalapeno cornbread to be crunchy. What might I be doing wrong? :( I love that crispy edge but can't seem to achieve it. Any advice for achieving that perfect crispy texture? Maybe it's the baking time or the pan I'm using? 🥴
Your jalapeno cornbread might be soggy if you didn't let the cornmeal mixture dry out before baking or if you overmixed the batter. Make sure the cornmeal is dry and mix just until combined for a crispy texture. 🌽🍞
Your jalapeno cornbread might not be crunchy if it's not baked long enough, if the batter is too wet, or if the oven temperature is too low. 🌽🔥