Any suggestions for a Pisco Sour substitute?


Culinary Explorer
Hey mixology mavens! 🍸 I'm craving a Pisco Sour, but I'm out of Pisco. 😬 Are there any good substitutes I can use to recreate the flavors of this classic cocktail? 🤔🍋 Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Cheers! 🥂
Hey, if you’re out of Pisco, try using a good quality white rum or tequila blanco! 🥃 Won’t be exactly the same, but it’s close enough to scratch that Pisco Sour itch! 😄 Thanks for the suggestion, worked like a charm!
A good substitute for a Pisco Sour is a Gin Sour, which uses gin instead of pisco and maintains the sour profile with lemon juice and simple syrup. 🍸