Any tips for a healthier blueberry cobbler that still tastes amazing?


Culinary Explorer
Hello there, health-minded chefs! 🌿 Looking for some cooking insight: Do you have any advice on making a healthier blueberry cobbler without compromising on taste? 🫐🥧 I'm a big fan of this dessert, but I'm aiming to lighten it up a bit. 💡 Feel free to share your nutritious tips
Hey there! 🍽️ For a healthier blueberry cobbler, try these tips. Use whole wheat flour instead of white flour in the topping. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup instead of sugar. 🍯 Swap some butter for Greek yogurt. Add rolled oats for more nutrition. 🌾 Blueberries are sweet, so use less sugar in the filling. 🫐🥧
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🍽️ For a healthier blueberry cobbler, try these tips. Use whole wheat flour instead of white flour in the topping. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup instead of sugar. 🍯 Swap some butter for Greek yogurt. Add rolled oats for more nutrition. 🌾 Blueberries are sweet, so use less sugar in the filling. 🫐🥧
I've tried this recipe and loved it! Swapping butter for Greek yogurt makes it so creamy.... The whole wheat flour adds a nice texture too. 🍯🫐