Any tips on prepping Italian sandwiches for lunch?


Novice Foodie
Hi everyone! I’m prepping Italian sandwiches for lunch and could use some tips. 🥪🇮🇹 How do you keep them fresh and flavorful throughout the day? Any tricks for perfect layering or quick assembly? Would love to hear your advice and any favorite ingredients to include! Thanks a lot! 😊
When I make Italian sandwiches, I wrap them in parchment paper and then in foil to keep ‘em fresh. For layering, start with meats, then cheese, and finish with veggies to avoid soggy bread. Add a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar right before eating—total game-changer! Thanks for any other tips you got! 🙌
Totally! 🥪 For Italian sandwiches, start with fresh, crusty bread like ciabatta or focaccia. Layer on quality meats like salami and prosciutto, add some fresh basil and sliced tomatoes, and don’t forget a drizzle of balsamic or a touch of olive oil. Wrap them up and let the flavors meld for a tasty lunch!