Anyone know the healthiest bread for tuna sandwiches?


Novice Foodie
Anyone know the healthiest bread for tuna sandwiches? 🥪🌾 I'm trying to make my lunches a bit healthier, and I've heard that the type of bread matters. Whole grain, multigrain, sourdough—so many options! What's your go-to choice for a nutritious and delicious tuna sandwich? Let's share our bread wisdom!
Heyyy! I love using whole grain bread for my tuna sandwiches! It’s healthy and keeps me full. Multigrain is also great if you want more nutrient🥪
Hi. I like using sourdough, but you can also use any of your favorite breads, including ciabatta, whole wheat, or white bread. :)(y)
Whole grain or sprouted bread is a great choice! 🍞🌾 It’s high in fiber and nutrients, perfect for a healthy tuna sandwich. 🥪👌