Are bottom round roasts considered healthy?


Novice Foodie
Hi everyone! I'm curious about the health aspects of bottom round roasts. 🥩💪 Are they generally seen as a nutritious option? I want to make sure I'm making smart choices for my meals. Any thoughts? 🍽️😊
Adding veggies and whole grains with your bottom round roast works wonders for a balanced meal! 🥦🍚 I do this regularly, and it helps me stay full and satisfied. 🥰🍽️
Adding veggies and whole grains with your bottom round roast works wonders for a balanced meal! 🥦🍚 I do this regularly, and it helps me stay full and satisfied. 🥰🍽️
That sounds like a great idea! I love adding veggies and whole grains to my meals too. It makes everything so much more nutritious and filling! 🥗🍞