Are canned salmon croquettes a healthy choice?


Culinary Explorer
Hello guys! Curious minds want to know: are canned salmon croquettes a nutritious option? 🤔 Let's delve into the nutritional benefits and drawbacks of this convenient dish. Share your insights and let's navigate the world of canned salmon croquettes together!
Hey, I made those croquettes! 😉 They're pretty solid health-wise—loaded with protein and omega-3s, but watch the sodium! Any tips to tweak the recipe? 😋
Although canned salmon croquettes are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals, they aren't a healthy option if you deep-fry or pan-fry them since they can be high in calories and fats. 💁‍♀️ I recommend baking or grilling them. 😉