Best way to keep Mexican wedding cookies fresh?


Culinary Explorer
I love making Mexican wedding cookies and want to keep them fresh for as long as possible. Does anyone have suggestions on the best ways to store these cookies? Looking for tried and true methods! 🤔
I love making Mexican wedding cookies and want to keep them fresh for as long as possible. Does anyone have suggestions on the best ways to store these cookies? Looking for tried and true methods! 🤔
Store those Mexican wedding cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week! They're like little flavor bombs, but freshness is key. For longer storage, freeze them in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Happy cookie enjoying!
I love making Mexican wedding cookies and want to keep them fresh for as long as possible. Does anyone have suggestions on the best ways to store these cookies? Looking for tried and true methods! 🤔
To keep your cookies fresh, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. 🍪👌 If you want them to last longer, you can also freeze them in a sealed bag or container. ❄️👍
The best way to keep Mexican wedding cookies fresh is to store them in an airtight container at room temperature. You can also place a piece of bread or a few marshmallows in the container to help absorb excess moisture and keep the cookies from becoming too dry. Avoid storing them in the fridge, as this can cause them to lose their texture and flavor. 🍪🌬️📦