Can ground beef be marinated before cooking?


Novice Foodie
Hey, cooking connoisseurs! I've been experimenting more in the kitchen lately, and I'm curious about marinating ground beef. 🤔 Can it handle a good soak in some flavorful marinade before hitting the pan, or is it best to season it during cooking? Share your marinating wisdom with me! 🌟
Hey, cooking connoisseurs! I've been experimenting more in the kitchen lately, and I'm curious about marinating ground beef. 🤔 Can it handle a good soak in some flavorful marinade before hitting the pan, or is it best to season it during cooking? Share your marinating wisdom with me! 🌟
You sure can marinate ground beef! Since it's broken up, the flavors absorb quickly. Just marinate for at least 30 minutes for extra juicy burgers or tastier tacos.