Can I eat minestrone soup if I'm acidic?


Novice Foodie
Hey, so I've been wondering if enjoying minestrone soup is cool for someone with high acidity. Heard loads about its benefits, packed with veggies and all, but ya know, gotta keep tabs on that acid reflux. Anyone else navigated these waters? Keen to hear your experiences or tips!
Vegetables, beans, pasta, and occasionally tomatoes are among the many ingredients that make up minestrone, and their acidity levels might vary. Some people's symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn might be made worse by eating acidic meals like tomatoes or specific vegetables.
Hi there! I feel you! Minestrone soup can be a flavorful adventure, but if you're prone to acidity like me, consider tweaking the recipe by opting for low acid veggies or skipping the tomatoes. Keep on experimenting! Good luck!
Hi there! I feel you! Minestrone soup can be a flavorful adventure, but if you're prone to acidity like me, consider tweaking the recipe by opting for low acid veggies or skipping the tomatoes. Keep on experimenting! Good luck!
Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience! I totally get where you're coming from. Minestrone soup is such a comforting dish, isn't it? Your suggestion to tweak the recipe by using low acid veggies or skipping the tomatoes sounds like a great idea ;)
Hey, so I've been wondering if enjoying minestrone soup is cool for someone with high acidity. Heard loads about its benefits, packed with veggies and all, but ya know, gotta keep tabs on that acid reflux. Anyone else navigated these waters? Keen to hear your experiences or tips!
If you're sensitive to acidic foods, minestrone soup might not be the ideal option because of components like tomatoes, which can be acidic. If you would like specific suggestions, speak with a healthcare provider or attempt to make a homemade version with less acidic components.