Can you use taco seasoning without cooking?


Novice Foodie
Hey, curious if anyone's tried sprinkling taco seasoning on dishes without actually cooking it first. I'm thinking about tossing some on popcorn or maybe into a salad for an extra kick. Has anyone experimented with this? Does flavor get lost or does it pack the same punch?
Yes! I have tried using without cooking it first. It's awesome! Adds a nice kick to stuff like popcorn or salads. You won't experience the same rich flavor when it's not cooked, but it still remains delicious. :)
Hey, curious if anyone's tried sprinkling taco seasoning on dishes without actually cooking it first. I'm thinking about tossing some on popcorn or maybe into a salad for an extra kick. Has anyone experimented with this? Does flavor get lost or does it pack the same punch?
I've tried it in chilled dishes, such as dips or spreads, but I believe it's more suited for chips or veggie sticks, even though it lacks that cooked flavor. 🌮