Classic Filipino Eggplant Omellete Recipe


Novice Foodie
I'm excited to share tonight's delicious dinner with you: Eggplant Omellete, also known as Tortang Talong! This dish involves grilling or roasting eggplants, dipping them in beaten eggs, and frying them until they're perfectly golden. Here's how you can whip it up:


  • 2 large eggplants
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooking oil for frying


  1. Prepare the eggplants:
    • Wash and dry the eggplants thoroughly, then prick them with a fork or knife to prevent bursting during cooking.
    • Roast or grill the eggplants until the skin is charred and the flesh is soft. This can be done over an open flame or in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 20-25 minutes, turning occasionally.
  2. Peel and flatten the eggplants:
    • Let the roasted eggplants cool, then carefully peel off the charred skin, leaving the flesh intact. You can keep some char for added flavor.
    • Gently flatten each eggplant with a fork or spoon to spread out the flesh without breaking it too much. Set aside.
  3. Beat the eggs:
    • In a bowl, beat the eggs until well mixed. Season with salt and pepper to your liking.
  4. Dip and fry the eggplants:
    • Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add a bit of cooking oil.
    • Dip each flattened eggplant into the beaten eggs, ensuring it's coated thoroughly.
    • Carefully place the eggplant into the hot pan. Cook until both sides are golden brown, flipping as needed.
  5. Serve and enjoy:
    • Transfer the Eggplant Omellete to a serving plate once cooked.
    • Serve hot with rice and your preferred dipping sauce, like vinegar with garlic and chili.
I hope you enjoy making and savoring this classic Filipino dish! Let me know if you have any questions or if you experiment with different variations. Happy cooking!

eggplant omellete.jpg
Hello there! Classic Filipino eggplant omelette recipe is a delightful twist on a traditional favorite. 🍳 Though simple, it's bursting with flavor from the tender eggplant and savory eggs. 🍆 Plus, it's quick to make and perfect for a cozy breakfast or lunch! 🌟