Classic scrambled eggs šŸ³šŸ„š


Culinary Explorer
Scrambled egg is such a staple in my meals, so I usually try a lot of ways to cook it. This recipe I'm sharing is my most favorite way to cook it. I hope that you guys will try and like it!!



  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk or cream
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon butter or oil
  • Optional: chopped herbs, shredded cheese, diced vegetables (like bell peppers, onions, or tomatoes)

  1. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and add the milk or cream. Season with salt and pepper, then whisk everything together until well combined and slightly frothy.
  2. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add the butter or oil. Allow it to melt and coat the bottom of the pan evenly.
  3. Once the butter is melted and the pan is hot, pour in the egg mixture. Let it sit undisturbed for a few seconds until the edges begin to set.
  4. Using a spatula, gently push the eggs from the edges towards the center of the pan, tilting the skillet to allow the uncooked eggs to flow to the empty spaces.
  5. Continue to cook and gently stir the eggs until they are mostly set but still slightly runny. If you're adding any optional ingredients like herbs, cheese, or vegetables, sprinkle them over the eggs at this point.
  6. Cook for another minute or so, until the eggs are fully cooked but still soft and creamy. Be careful not to overcook them, as they will continue to cook slightly off the heat.
  7. Once the eggs are done to your liking, remove them from the heat and transfer them to a plate. Serve immediately and enjoy your fluffy scrambled eggs!
I recently tried this recipe, and it turned out amazing! This recipe is simple, comforting and satisfying. It feels like a taste of home in every bite. Guys, try this delicious and easy meal!
Oh, Classic scrambled eggsā€”now that's a breakfast staple that never goes out of style! šŸ³šŸ„š There's something so comforting about the creamy texture of perfectly scrambled eggs, seasoned just right and served piping hot. I love this dish like it's making my mood calm.