Coffee Cake Breakfast Milkshake


Culinary Explorer
Hello guys, I want to share my recipe for a Coffee Cake Breakfast Milkshake, a delightful and indulgent treat that's perfect for starting your day on a sweet note. With just a few simple ingredients and a blender, you can whip up this decadent milkshake in no time. So why not treat yourself to a little morning indulgence and enjoy the flavors of coffee cake in a refreshing shake? Let's dive into the recipe and savor the deliciousness together!
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Coffee Cake Breakfast Milkshake Recipe:


  • 1 cup brewed coffee, cooled
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup coffee cake crumbs or small coffee cake pieces
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Whipped cream, for topping (optional)
  • Cinnamon sugar, for garnish (optional)

  1. In a blender, combine the brewed coffee, vanilla ice cream, milk, coffee cake crumbs or pieces, and ground cinnamon.
  2. Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.
  3. Pour the milkshake into glasses and top with whipped cream if desired.
  4. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar for an extra touch of sweetness.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy your Coffee Cake Breakfast Milkshake!
Coffee cake breakfast milkshake? ☕🍰🥤 Indulge in the flavors of your favorite morning treat with this creamy concoction blending coffee, cake crumbs, and a splash of milk for a delightful breakfast-on-the-go that's sure to perk you up!
Wow, a Coffee Cake Breakfast Milkshake?! 🤯This is a game changer for my morning routine! Can't wait to blend up this deliciousness and kickstart my day with a sweet treat! Thanks for the awesome recipe share!