Curious about sourdough's roots: Where did it come from?


Culinary Explorer
Hi Guys! I've been on this sourdough journey and I'm intrigued by where it all began. Where did this delicious bread come from? I'm a little worried, I might be missing out on some part of a fascinating history! Can someone fill me in? Thank you :)
Hey bro, after doing some research out of curiosity, it says it doesn't have concrete evidence of where it emerged but they say that it emerges in ancient cultures such as Greek and Egyptian culture.
Sourdough bread has ancient origins, believed to have originated in Egypt around 1,500 BC, spreading throughout Europe and becoming a staple in many cultures due to its natural fermentation process and tangy flavor profile.
Ah, sourdough—such a fascinating bread with ancient roots! 🍞 From my understanding, sourdough bread dates back thousands of years and has been a staple in many cultures around the world.
Hi Guys! I've been on this sourdough journey and I'm intrigued by where it all began. Where did this delicious bread come from? I'm a little worried, I might be missing out on some part of a fascinating history! Can someone fill me in? Thank you :)
Sourdough bread has a long history dating back to ancient Egypt, its recent resurrection has garnered attention from all around the world. 🍞🌍 Although its precise beginnings are unknown, sourdough most likely developed as a method of leavening bread before the widespread availability of commercial yeast. 🍞🕰