Curious about the nutrition facts of Mexican street corn!


Novice Foodie
Hi beautiful people of this forum! I'm all about enjoying delicious food, but I've been curious about the nutrition facts of Mexican street corn. I want to indulge without worrying too much about the calories! 😅 Can anyone share some insight into the nutritional value of this tasty treat? 🥗🌽
Mexican street corn is all about the corn, which is healthy! 🌽 Toppings are usually light. Skip the mayo for a lighter option. Enjoy! 🤗
Yes, Mexican street corn or elote, is delicious but can pack in calories. A medium size ear of corn has about 77 calories. Add-ons like mayonnaise, cotija cheese, and butter contribute extra calories and fat. Spices like chili powder and lime juice are low calorie options. Enjoy in moderation!🥗🌽
Mexican street corn, or elote, is definitely a tasty treat worth indulging in! While corn itself is packed with nutrients like fiber and antioxidants, it's true that the toppings can add up in terms of calories and fat. Opting for lighter toppings like chili powder and lime juice can help keep it on the healthier side while still enjoying that delicious flavor. It's all about balance and moderation, right? 😁