Do They Throw in Some Egg on Veggie Pizza?

🍳🍕 I've heard rumors about egg being a potential topping for veggie pizza, but I'm not sure if it's true. Does it add to the flavor or texture? Share your insights and egg-citing discoveries! 🥚😋
I heard from a friend that putting egg on veggie pizza is surprisingly delicious. Apparently, it adds a unique twist to the flavor and texture, making each bite super satisfying. Might have to give it a go myself!
I've seen some recipes where they throw in a fried egg on top of the veggie pizza. 🥚 It adds a creamy texture and extra flavor, though it might not be for everyone. 😋
Egg on veggie pizza? 🍳🥦 Absolutely! It adds a creamy texture and a rich flavor that complements the veggies beautifully. Plus, when that yolk oozes out, it's like a little burst of sunshine on your slice! Give it a crack and see for yourself! 🌞🍕
Absolutely! Adding egg to veggie pizza is a game changer! 🍳🥦 It adds a delicious creaminess and extra protein that takes the flavor to a whole new level. Plus, it's a great way to sneak in some extra nutrients. Trust me, once you try it, you'll never go back! 🍕
Adding egg to a veggie pizza is not very common, but it can be a delicious and protein-rich addition if you enjoy it—just crack a raw egg onto the pizza before baking, or you can lightly scramble the egg and pour it over the veggies before baking for a more evenly cooked result! 🍳🥦🍕
I think some places do add egg to veggie pizza, though it's not very common. It can add a nice creamy texture and extra protein! 🍳🍕