Does garam masala have a sweet scent to it?


Culinary Explorer
Hey foodie friends! I'm curious about the aroma of garam masala—does it have a sweet smell to it? 🍛🌿 Or is it more on the spicy or savory side? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Thanks a bunch! 🙌🌸
While garam masala isn't inherently sweet 😊, it does have a fragrant and slightly sweet undertone, especially when used in dishes with caramelized onions or coconut milk
I think garam masala has a warm and aromatic scent, though. 🌿🌶️ It's more spicy and savory than sweet, but the blend can vary depending on the recipe and brand.
Garam masala indeed offers a delightful aromatic experience! 🌿🌶️ While it's not sweet like dessert spices, it does have a warm, complex scent with hints of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom, balanced by earthy notes from cumin and coriander. 😌🍛 It's the perfect blend to elevate savory dishes with its rich and aromatic profile!
Garam masala typically has a warm, aromatic fragrance with hints of sweetness, but the exact scent can vary based on the specific blend of spices used.;)