Got a craving for fried green tomatoes! What type of tomatoes works best?


Novice Foodie
Hello, forum peeps! I've got a major craving for some fried green tomatoes and was wondering, what type of tomatoes should I be on the lookout for? 🤔 Are there specific varieties that fry up better than others? I'm aiming for that perfect crunch! Thanks for sharing your expertise and favorites!
You gotta cure those green tomato cravings! 🤗 For frying, I like firm, green tomatoes like slicers or Romas. They hold their shape better and get that perfect crispy coating 😋
You gotta cure those green tomato cravings! 🤗 For frying, I like firm, green tomatoes like slicers or Romas. They hold their shape better and get that perfect crispy coating 😋
I agree with you on the choice of tomatoes. Slicers and Romas are my go-to options too. Their firmness makes all the difference, giving that satisfying crunch with each bite. Now I'm craving some fried green tomatoes even more😋