Got any healthier swaps for traditional béchamel sauce ingredients?


Culinary Explorer
Hello there, health-conscious cooks! 🌟🥦 Looking to lighten up our béchamel sauce game! 🤔🍶 Any genius ideas for swapping out traditional ingredients with healthier alternatives? 🥕🌿 Let's whip up a nutritious version without sacrificing flavor! 💪🍲 Your tips are much appreciated!
Instead of whole milk, I use unsweetened almond milk or oat milk. Both keep the sauce creamy but with fewer calories and less fat. 😉👍🙂👌
Hey! You can use almond milk instead of regular milk and whole wheat flour or cornstarch as a thickener. For a dairy-free option, try coconut milk. Enjoy cooking! 🍳🥥