Got any tips for making homemade cinnamon roll icing?


Novice Foodie
Hi baking buddies! I'm diving into the world of homemade cinnamon roll icing and could use some guidance! 🤔🍥 Do you have any tips or tricks for achieving that perfect creamy texture and heavenly sweetness? 🤤 I'm all ears for your icing expertise!
For homemade cinnamon roll icing, mix powdered sugar with a bit of milk and vanilla extract until smooth, adjusting the consistency with more milk or sugar as needed. 🍩
Yum, homemade icing is the best! 😋 Try mixing powdered sugar with a splash of vanilla and just enough milk to get that perfect drizzle consistency. For extra flavor, add a touch of cream cheese or a dash of cinnamon. Happy baking!