Help! Why Are My Bisquick Sausage Balls Flattening Out?


Culinary Explorer
Hey cooking pals! 🍴 I've been making Bisquick sausage balls, but they keep flattening out instead of staying nice and round. What could I be doing wrong? Any tips or tricks to ensure they keep their shape during baking? Appreciate any advice you can offer! 🤔🔍
Hey! 😄 Try chilling the dough before baking; it helps them stay round and not spread out. Thanks for any tips! 🙌
Your Bisquick sausage balls flatten out probably because the sausage or the cheese you used has too much fat. 🌭🧀 Try using ingredients with less fat content. 😄
Bisquick sausage balls might be flattening out because the dough is too wet or you're overfilling the muffin tin. Make sure the dough is firm and use a smaller scoop to prevent them from spreading. 🧆