Help! Why did my chocolate pudding pie turn out so runny?


Culinary Explorer
Hey baking enthusiasts! 🥧😅 I need your expertise! My chocolate pudding pie turned out way too runny. What could have gone wrong? Any tips or tricks to ensure a perfectly set pie next time? Thanks for saving my dessert dreams! 😊
Oh no, that’s so frustrating! 😅 It might be that the pudding didn’t get thick enough on the stove. Try cooking it a bit longer until it’s nice and thick—like when it sticks to the back of a spoon. And letting it chill in the fridge for a good few hours (or even overnight) can do wonders for setting it up. Don’t worry, you’ve got this! Your next pie is going to be spot on! 🥧✨
It sounds like your chocolate pudding pie might need a bit more thickening. This can happen if the pudding didn’t cook long enough or if it didn’t set properly. 🕰️ Make sure to let it cool completely in the fridge to firm up. If it’s still runny, you might need to add a bit more cornstarch or a thickener next time. 🍰✨ Hope this helps! 😊
One possible reason your chocolate pudding pie turned out runny is because of over-mixing. 🥧 You might have overmixed the pudding after it thickened. 🍮 Next time, make sure to avoid stirring or whisking the pudding too much. 😊