Help! Why Did My Pumpkin Bread Turn Out So Dry?


Culinary Explorer
Hi, my fellow bakers! I could use some advice – my pumpkin bread came out drier than the Sahara desert! 😅 What could have gone wrong? Did I overbake it, or is there a secret ingredient I missed? 🤔 Any tips to moisten it up next time? Thanks a bunch! 🙏🍞
Overbaking is a culprit for sure 😁 Checking it a few minutes early with a toothpick helps avoid that .. Also, make sure your pumpkin puree isn't too dry so add a splash of milk if needed. Hope this helps next time! 🤗
Overbaking is a culprit for sure 😁 Checking it a few minutes early with a toothpick helps avoid that .. Also, make sure your pumpkin puree isn't too dry so add a splash of milk if needed. Hope this helps next time! 🤗
Hey! I think several factors could contribute to dry pumpkin bread. Though overbaking is a common culprit, using too much flour or not enough fat and moisture can also result in a dry texture. 🎃🍞