Help! Why do my protein pancakes always turn out so tough? What am I doing wrong? 🥞😕


Tasty Apprentice
Pancake lovers, please assist me! My protein pancakes consistently come out more dense than I would want. 😖🥞 Does anyone know a trick to maintain them fluffy and soft? I'm wondering if I should adjust my recipe or method. Thank you for the tips!
Hey there! 🥞 I've found that using buttermilk or adding a bit of seltzer water to the batter can really help keep protein pancakes light and fluffy. Give it a try and see if it makes a difference! Good luck!
Hey there! 😄 Tough protein pancakes can be a bummer! It might be that you’re overmixing the batter, which can make them chewy. Try mixing just until combined and let the batter rest a bit before cooking. Also, watch your cooking temperature—too high can toughen them up. Hope that helps! Happy flipping! 🥞
Pancake lovers, please assist me! My protein pancakes consistently come out more dense than I would want. 😖🥞 Does anyone know a trick to maintain them fluffy and soft? I'm wondering if I should adjust my recipe or method. Thank you for the tips!
Hello all! Are you overmixing the batter? I think gently folding the ingredients until just combined helps keep them fluffy, though it’s tempting to mix more. 🥞🥄