Home-made Cheese Recipe


Culinary Explorer
A Cheese home made!
Home-made Cheese Recipe.jpg


  • For Paneer:
    • 1 gallon (3.8 liters) whole milk (preferably not ultra-pasteurized)
    • 1/4 cup lemon juice or white vinegar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • For Ricotta:
    • 1 gallon (3.8 liters) whole milk
    • 1 cup heavy cream
    • 1/3 cup lemon juice or white vinegar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)


  • Large pot
  • Cheesecloth or muslin
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Slotted spoon or ladle
  • Large bowl


For Paneer:​

  1. Heat the Milk:
    • Pour the milk into a large pot and heat it over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent the milk from scorching. Heat until the milk reaches just below boiling (around 190°F/88°C).
  2. Add Acid:
    • Once the milk is heated, slowly add the lemon juice or vinegar while stirring gently. Continue to stir until the milk curds begin to separate from the whey. If the curds don’t form, add a bit more lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. Strain the Curds:
    • Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and place it over a large bowl. Pour the curds and whey into the strainer to drain. You can also use a clean kitchen towel or muslin instead of cheesecloth.
  4. Rinse and Squeeze:
    • Rinse the curds under cold water to remove any residual acid and cool them down. Gather the cheesecloth edges and squeeze out excess liquid.
  5. Press the Paneer:
    • For a firmer texture, fold the cheesecloth over the curds and place a heavy weight (like a pot or a can) on top. Press for about 30 minutes to an hour.
  6. Cut and Store:
    • Unwrap the cheese and cut it into cubes. The paneer is ready to use or can be refrigerated for up to a week.

For Ricotta:​

  1. Heat the Milk and Cream:
    • In a large pot, combine the milk and heavy cream. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture reaches about 190°F (88°C), just below boiling.
  2. Add Acid:
    • Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the lemon juice or vinegar. Let it sit for 5 minutes, allowing the curds to form.
  3. Strain the Curds:
    • Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set it over a large bowl. Carefully ladle the curds and whey into the strainer.
  4. Drain and Cool:
    • Allow the ricotta to drain for about 10-15 minutes. For a drier ricotta, let it drain a bit longer. Discard the whey or use it in soups and baking.
  5. Season and Store:
    • If desired, stir in salt to taste. Transfer the ricotta to an airtight container and refrigerate. It’s best used within a week.


  • Milk Quality: Use fresh, high-quality milk for the best results. Avoid ultra-pasteurized milk as it may not curdle properly.
  • Acid Alternatives: You can use vinegar, lemon juice, or even citric acid for curdling milk.
  • Storage: Store homemade cheese in the refrigerator. Paneer and ricotta can be frozen, though texture may change slightly after thawing.
Enjoy your homemade cheese in a variety of dishes, from curries to salads to fresh pasta!
This recipe looks amazing! I love how simple and straightforward it is. The idea of making cheese at home is so exciting. Can't wait to try it out myself! 🧀😊
This homemade cheese recipe looks amazing! 🧀✨ Love how fresh and customizable it is. Can’t wait to try making cheese from scratch—thanks for sharing this delicious idea!